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Small Buildings of Kyoto II

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Small Buildings of Kyoto II 基本情報

商品コード 9784879406408
販売元 紫紅社
税込価格 1,980円
お問合せ 問い合わせフォームへ

『Small Buildings of Kyoto II』について

世界遺産でも、名所でも、老舗の店舗でもない「ええ塩梅」の京都を iPhoneで切り取った写真集。

John Einarsen 氏が Kyoto Journal のインスタグラムに掲載していた何気ない京都の風景が外国人の間で人気となり、2017年春に出資を得て自費出版したところ瞬く間に1000部完売となった、幻の写真集第2弾の発売です。iPhone で撮影された3階までの小さな建物は、色あせた選挙ポスター、自動販売機、「ちょっとそこまで」の自転車、植木鉢に彩られた生活感にあふれたもの。京都みやげの絵葉書や写真集では目にしない、普段着の京都の風景が外国人ファンを引き付けています。


Preface by John Einarsen

Small Buildings of Kyoto was born out of a project to document Kyoto’s unassuming, everyday architecture for Kyoto Journal’s Instagram page: a project that has now spanned several years, but one that seems to have enduring appeal, not just to myself as a photographer and long-term resident of Kyoto, but to our many followers and readers. It has been over a year since the Indiegogo campaign to produce the first volume and hand-bound limited edition—which attained its funding goal in just under one week, and went viral online—and the number of published photographs now exceeds 300, so it would seem timely to release this, the second volume of the series.

Like the first book, these images depict not the classic, postcard-worthy architecture of Kyoto’s renowned temples or polished teahouses, but the everyday buildings of the city. An urban historian could categorize them according to the era, the influence of international styles, and the economic means taken to build them. Some date from the prewar era and bear the signs of age. Others are strange hybrids of dissonant textures, materials and shapes. Others reveal the Japanese genius for creating elegant and graceful structures within limited space. Together they contribute to the urban fabric of the city of Kyoto that is so fascinating.

出版 Kyoto Journal
言語 英語
ページ数 108ページ
本のサイズ 15 x 15.5 x 1.2cm
ISBN-13 9784879406408